2 bed semi-detached house


2 bed semi-detached house

Hill Street, Kettering NN16

Price History

Initial price £190,000
20/06/24 £185,000
30/06/24 £180,000
Price Change -5.26%


The above text is a property description that has been provided by a real estate agent for a house on the market. It includes details about the property's rooms, features, and outdoor spaces. The description is designed to give potential buyers a concise overview of what the house offers, emphasizing its key attributes and the need for an in-person viewing to fully appreciate it. The property is characterized by its bay fronted semi-detached layout, a cosy living room with a multi fuel stove, and a private rear garden. The text also mentions the presence of an entrance hall, a kitchen/dining room with integrated appliances, a utility room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. The outdoor spaces include a courtyard style front garden and a larger enclosed rear garden with a variety of plants and shrubs, as well as a paved patio area. The property is described as charming and viewings are advised to fully appreciate it.